Good mental and physical health are fundamental to an individual's capactiy to enjoy their lives, provide for their families, contribute to society and realize their dreams. A healthy community is built upon a foundation of health equity that fosters safe, stable, and nurturing relationships for all community members.
Health partner programs include:
- Aging & Disability Resource Center of Portage County - Prevention Programs
- Aging & Disability Resource Center of Portage County - Adult Day Center
- Aging & Disability Resource Center of Portage County - Rural Delivered Meals
- Aging & Disability Resource Center of Portage County - Care Giver Support Services
- CAP Services, Inc. - Family Crisis Center
- CAP Services, Inc. - Mental Health Navigator
- Children's Wisconsin - Child and Family Counseling
- Children's Wisconsin - Family Outreach and Support Services (FOSS) - In-Home Visitation Program
- Children's Wisconsin - Family Outreach and Support Services (FOSS) - Parenting Education
- Children's Wisconsin - Strong Start Home Visitation
- Meals on Wheels
- Stevens Point Area YMCA - Adapted Recreation
- Stevens Point Area YMCA - YMCA for ALL